Alvi Armani

This page is to document my experience with the Alvi Armani clinic and my hair restoration procedure with them. I chose Alvi Armani for a few reasons:

1) They are considered the best in the world in Hairline design

2) Alvi Armani uses the new FUE method and I didn't want the scarring in the back of my head fromthe FUSS

3) The density that Alvi Armani transplants at seems to be much higher then other clinics. Much thicker results.

4) Their results just look better!


Honestly, one of the biggest reasons I chose the Alvi Armani clinic is because they do the FUE method where they take the follicles from the donor area one by one instead of a big chunk of skin from the back of the scalp. This new method does not leave the scarring and the stiches that the older Strip method does.

 Because I received the FUE procedure I can still keep my hair short on the sides and the back. A photo of my donor area below a few days after the procedure.